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The moon was there (16th Dec 22 at 3:10am UTC)
But in the absolute right thing, he practiced the first lesson he learned from the moon that night-never give her the chance to choose, and absolutely stick to the end and never compromise. These days, as long as Yun Huan can have time to eat with Duoduo, she will always deliberately ask her to supplement vegetables. At first, Duoduo was very resistant, not only refused to obey, but even forced him to give in by crying and shouting. What the moon can't stand most is Duoduo, who always eats so hard that she hides in her room alone with headphones. Duoduo is a very clever child, good at attacking her weakness, climbing on her body and crying out of breath. Every time this happens, Mingyue has the impulse to persuade Yunhuan to give up. In fact, in the first few times, she did say a lot of discouraging words, such as: "Duoduo can't change it. I tried many times, but failed." As soon as Duoduo heard this, she was even more excited, and the cry was so loud that she could call the people in the whole building. Yun Huan asked Duoduo to explain to her when she was not there: "No matter how much she reacts and how much she cries, we can't compromise, and you can't deny me in front of her.". I know she's not fat. She's very weak. It's very difficult for her to go to the toilet every day. Do you want her to be like this all her life? As soon as Mingyue showed the expression of "she is a patient", Yunhuan completely denied: "If you want her to really integrate into this society, forget your pre-judgment and so-called experience as soon as possible, and believe that Duoduo is a normal child. It's not a big deal to stir up trouble. Many children have it. It's not the patent of any kind of patient. When Yun Huan became serious,magnetic separator machine, there was a natural sense of authority that people could not refute. Mingyue was involuntarily brought into another world by him, until he questioned and overturned his consistent ideas, and finally stood on the same front with him and was at his mercy. After that, no matter how much trouble Duoduo made, she firmly remembered Yunhuan's words, even if she couldn't help him, but she couldn't hold him back, so she kept silent and watched the father and daughter fight. When Duoduo saw the moon defecting,Portable gold trommel, she stopped bothering her after running into a wall several times. Although the heart is sad, but have to admit a fact: although the moon looks a little bit, in fact, it is easy to speak, although Yun Huan does everything slowly, but the purpose is clear, the decision will not be changed. After being mercilessly starved for several meals, Duoduo, who could not be beaten and escaped, had to try some vegetables according to Yunhuan's instructions. Fortunately, he is not in a hurry to rush forward, but also understands the principle of gradual progress. Yun Huan knows the truth of dripping water through stone, will not start to change Duoduo's eating habits, his requirements are actually very low, on the basis of meat at will, a small punch of vegetables every day, Portable gold trommel ,Carbon in Pulp, a small punch of fruit. Wait for Duoduo to get used to it, and then start the next section. Today is the second stage of training. Duoduo needs to eat more vegetables. It's really not much, just one more chopstick. But this caused her great dissatisfaction, and she even threatened to shout in public. This move is very lethal, she used to use every time, can frighten the moon turned upside down. But Duoduo obviously underestimated Yunhuan's ruthlessness. How could a doctor who could give medicine as usual even if the patient cried for his father and mother, be shaken by the cry of a little girl? Even though the waiter reminded him several times, his expression was still light and he said, "I'm sorry. If we do disturb the next box, please tell them that I will pay for the dinner and enjoy it." He looked at Feng Dao and his assistant opposite and said politely, "I hope it doesn't affect your mood of eating. Duoduo has some bad habits. We are helping her to change them. The little girl is not very cooperative." As soon as he laughed, he was quite different from the cold-faced and cold-hearted man, so warm that a tree of dead branches sprouted new buds, and few women were not fascinated by it. Feng Dao was already confused and said, "It's all right. Children should be disciplined." After a meal, Duoduo cried herself hoarse and weak. Yun Huan is not a complete tyrant, know the truth of a punch to a jujube, holding the little girl who is still humming and sobbing, gently patting her back. Duoduo had a really bad and tired day, and when she returned to her room, she was already staggering.
The moon had just given her a bath, hugged the soft bed, and the little girl immediately closed her eyes. I'm snoring. There were only the bright moon and the clouds standing opposite each other in the room, and the time was slow and grinding. The moon was finally discouraged and said pitifully, "I can explain." Yun Huan grabbed her hand and said, "Don't wake up Duoduo. Go to the next room." Because the program group provided board and lodging, when she asked Mingyue for advice in advance, she asked for two big bed rooms for the so-called family of three in order to avoid suspicion and to be reserved. Tell Yun Huan, Yun Huan did not express an opinion, in fact, the heart is very useful. Since that night with the moon to bury the hatchet, although he stayed at the moon from time to time, but with her development has not been further, or he further. Not the beginning of the love of the green men and women, the intimacy, always look forward to an adult way to complete. Besides, they have been absent for a long time, and their demand for that kind of thing is naturally a little more vigorous. Unfortunately, at home, due to Duoduo in the side, two people have to learn to be minors, secretly in the bathroom, in the safe passage, when the small eyeliner is sleeping soundly, kiss to quench thirst. Now come outside, open two rooms, what you want to do is naturally more convenient. Unfortunately, the romantic fantasy in his mind was replaced by reality, and Yunhuan was obviously influenced by the sound of Dong Deduo. He knew that Mingyue usually had a little temper and was easily confused at the critical moment, but he never thought that she would make such a low-level mistake on such a serious issue. Name is a mark that accompanies a person's life, although many people do not care that it is only a code name,coltan ore processing, but it is completely defined on the basis of a normal name. Yun Huan does not ask Duoduo's name to be literary and elegant, but to be a little normal. He can understand it, but what is Dong Deduo? Mingyue interrupted in a low voice: "It's Dora Dong." Yun Huan twisted his eyebrows and turned his head. "Did I let you speak?" The moon stuck out her tongue and buried her head in silence.
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